Oregon Aquatic Invasive Species Program

Beginning in 2010, Oregon has required that all boats 10ft and longer carry an aquatic invasive species permit.

When you rent from Oregon River Rentals, the permit is included on any of the boats that it’s required on.

Below are more details from the Oregon Marine Board.

Since January 1, 2010, all motorized boats (regardless of length) and non-motorized boats 10ft in length or longer, are required to purchase and carry an aquatic invasive species prevention permit. Oregon registered motorboats pay a $5 surcharge every two years when they pay their biannual registration. Their registration decals serve as proof of payment into the program. Non-motorized boats 10ft in length or longer are required to purchase an annual $5 permit and carry it onboard while boating. These non-motorized permits are transferable between boats and the name on the permit doesn’t have to match the person using it. Out-of-state visitors using non-motorized boats pay the same $5 annual fee as Oregon residents. However, non-resident motorboat operators are required to purchase a $20 annual permit. These permits purchased by non-resident boaters are also transferable to use on other boats in the same category. During 2010, these permits were issued on water proof paper and available for purchase either through an ODFW license agent (ex. sporting goods stores), from an OSMB registration agent (ex. boating store), the OSMB office in Salem, an ODFW field office, or online through the ODFW website. A $2 agent fee was charged by all of the agents selling permits. The exceptions were the OSMB Salem office or select REI stores (for members only).



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