Trip – Washougal River, Big Eddy Section

The Washougal river is runnable mostly during the rainy season, so be sure to study the river level before hitting the water. The river-bed carves through boat-shredding boulder gardens during low flows and turns into class IV+ roller coaster whitewater at higher flows along the Big Eddy Section. No matter what level the water, the river is undeniably beautiful.

So dust off your eddying skills, and get ready to slalom through one of nature’s finest obstacle courses. Only a 30 minute drive from Portland, the Washougal River offers class IV boaters abundant opportunities for whitewater fun.

Because Washougal River Rd follows the river pretty closely, most of the river is scoutable from the road. Drive slowly and stop frequently to study the features as you drive to the put-in. It’s predominately private property lining the river so observe the no trespassing signs. You should still be able to study the river without offending the locals.

Note: This river is not for inexperienced boaters. As with any whitewater, you are responsible for your own safety.

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