Sandy River from Revenue Bridge to Dodge

a large waterfall over a body of water

This run on the Sandy river from Revenue bridge to Dodge park starts out slow and picks up into some nice class II+ or class III rapids, depending on flow. It is a great companion run to the Dodge to Oxbow section just down river.


Looking upstream from the river you can see the end of the much more difficult class IV section of the classic Sandy River Gorge run. Downstream it looks calm and inviting. While certainly nothing to compare with the rapids upstream, the Revenue to Dodge trip offers plenty of whitewater fun.

No one rapid stands out along this run. The river starts out very flat, but swift. Gradually waves begin to form. The progression happens so gradually that suddenly you look back and realize you are in the middle of some big whitewater features.

At low flows, it can be quite rocky, but should all be navigable, with no major hazards to observe. All of the rapids at normal flow empty into pools below, so if you get dumped out you have time to recover your boat before the next rapid catches you.

Shuttle logistics are easy if you know where to go. From Dodge park, it is a quick 8-minute drive to the put in at Revenue bridge. Hint: drive over the bridge and park along the first crossroad to the right about 1/8th of a mile from the put-in. It seems a little far from the bridge but there are no other good parking spots nearby, and walking down to the bridge isn’t that bad because it is all downhill.

The bank is quite steep underneath the bridge so watch your step, but there is a rough trail with steps down it on the downriver side of the bridge.

We recommend the Tomcat Solo or Tandem on this run.

Check out these google map driving directions from the put-in at Revenue Bridge (A) to the take-out spot at Dodge Park (B).

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