Cancellation Policy

We hope that cancellations don’t happen, but we understand that things arise that are beyond your control. For this reason, our cancellation policy is not as strict as other operations and we’ve tried to be as lenient as possible. However, over the years, last-second cancellations have become more common and have required us to enforce a policy for these occasions. We ask that you inform us via phone call or text as soon as you know that you’ll need to cancel. Cancellations made via email will not be accepted. This policy is effective on all of our kayaks, rafts, paddleboards, float tubes, and cargo boxes. Please review our cancellation policy below and let us know if you have any questions.

Oregon River Rentals Cancellation Policy – Effective 2018

By cancelling your reservation with less than 24 hours’ notice, the renter will incur a 30% withholding of the rental fee portion of the reservation.

By cancelling your reservation with less than 2 hours’ notice, the renter will incur a 100% withholding of the rental fee portion of the reservation.

The security deposit fee portion of the reservation will be refunded in full with any cancellation.

For example:
Reservation made for 1 tomcat tandem
Rental fee = $40
Security deposit = $300
Cancellation under 24 hours = $12 withheld
Cancellation under 2 hours = $40 withheld
Security deposit = $0 withheld

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